Sara Fry has been on heavy rotation playing her summer in Ibiza dance venues and we've managed to get her back for a stomping techno podcast mix.
Hi Sara, tell us what you have been up to this summer.
Thanks for having me back for the podcast! So I’ve been having an amazing summer in Ibiza, starting from May till September, where I played at various pool parties, Savannah’s, and other venues which included many up and coming djs new events.
Has your musical style changed at all?
I wouldn’t say my music has gone more housey or techy or disco, I’d say I play for the crowd and also make sure my personal preference is always present. It’s always important to change up your style and keep your sets engaging, which is something I’m always doing. Thanks for listening guys, hope you enjoy the mix.
Can you tell us about any special future gigs you have coming up?
Future gigs are still pending, I’m moving to the big smoke so there’s talks about future gigs that I can’t yet speak of, however I am gigging at the Steelyard for Soul Familia on the 20th October, Lovely Laura and Ben Santiago will be headlining plus myself and other great djs are in the lineup for support.
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